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Take the Time…

Well Hello! It’s been a hot minute since I felt strong enough or motivated enough to write/share again. When I look back on all that transpired since that last post….it’s no wonder. Y’all! We went through it. In the span of time since my last blog we went through a major home renovation, job loss,…

Lessons Learned

I start this blog out hesitantly as I don’t feel that I embody the braveness that is sometimes needed to assert myself. I know, I know. If you are my friend you are likely smacking your forehead and screaming BS at the screen right now. I’m bold with the ones I trust but when it…

Turning Lemons Into Lemonade

Ever have one of those life moments that makes you remember a date, well that date was December 17, 2020 for me. I had set a beautiful table for dinner, cracked open a nice bottle of wine and was enjoying the evening in front of the television when I heard my husband begin yelling from…

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